Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission

Headline Partner

Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission is an independent advisory group that brings together public, private and third sector actors to support the delivery of ambitious climate actions across the region.

The Commission has four inter-related aims:

  • to foster climate resilience and adaptation to climate risks and impacts
  • to support rapid progress towards net zero carbon emissions
  • to encourage a just and inclusive transition and climate actions that leave no-one and nowhere behind
  • to promote sustainability and climate actions that also protect nature and biodiversity.

In November 2021, the Commission published the Yorkshire and Humber Climate Action Plan, which includes 50 actions to help the region tackle the climate and ecological emergency.

The Commission’s Yorkshire and Humber Climate Action Pledge is for organisations and business to commit to playing their part in tackling the climate emergency and enhancing nature in order to make the region a happier, healthier and more sustainable place.

The Commission launched in March 2021 as part of the Place-based Climate Action Network (PCAN) and supported by the Yorkshire Leaders Board.

Visit their website and follow them on Twitter


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