Pam Warhurst

Incredible Edible CIC

Pam Co-Founder and Chair of Incredible Edible, an initiative begun in Northern England dedicated to growing food locally by planting on unused land throughout the community, she called it propaganda gardening.

Pam Warhurst CBE has been an activist and advisor for over 40 years. She has been involved in local politics and national policy as the Chair of the Board of the Forestry Commission, which advises on and implements forestry policy in Great Britain. She also cofounded Incredible Edible Todmorden, a local food partnership that encourages community engagement through local growing.

Incredible Edible started small, with the planting of a few community herb gardens in Todmorden, and today has spin-offs in the U.S. and Japan, counting over 120 groups in the UK and 1000 world-wide. Incredible Edible empowers ordinary people to take control of their communities through active civic engagement, redefining prosperity through the power of small actions.

Today Pam chairs the Incredible Edible Network, supporting and amplifying the work of groups around the UK, she also chairs Pennine Prospects which works with local authorities, government agencies, businesses, voluntary organisations and the local community to deliver a range of initiatives including the objectives of the “Heritage Strategy for the South Pennines”.

She is currently developing the impact work of Incredible Edible through the proposition of a New Social Contract to transform the frameworks of our lives so that all people can live well and live long. Pam also works as part of a global network of social entrepreneurs, as an Ashoka Fellow.

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