Lucinda Yeadon
Social Impact Manager, CEG

Lucinda has been at property investment company, CEG since 2018 and leads the company’s social impact programme. Within this role she has a responsibility to work with residents, partners and stakeholders to ensure that key developments engage with the local community and that benefits are felt as widely as possible. As part of this role she is particularly interested in supporting young people to access training, apprenticeships and employment opportunities through CEG’s Forging Futures Campus. Through these programmes CEG has generated over £11 million of Social Value in the Leeds area.
Prior to working for CEG, Lucinda was an elected member of Leeds City Council for 10 years, representing Kirkstall Ward. During this time she served on the Executive Board for 8 years holding a number of portfolio positions and was Deputy Leader for 3 years. In 2022, Lucinda was made an Honorary Alderman of the City of Leeds.
Before starting her political career Lucinda worked for the Royal Mencap Society in their community development team, campaigning for the rights of people with learning disabilities. She continues to sit on a variety of boards for local and national 3rd sector and cultural organisations. Lucinda is chair of Kirkstall Valley Development Trust and has recently been appointed as an Honorary Patron for Leeds Heritage Theatres.