Caroline Jones

External Affairs Lead, C-Capture Ltd

As External Affairs Lead, Caroline collaborates with government, industry, and academia to forge strategic partnerships for the commercialisation of C-Capture’s next-generation carbon capture technology. Her role ensures that technology development is in line with the policy landscape for the energy transition, encompassing government relations and engagement with industry bodies and trade associations in the UK and internationally. Additionally, Caroline oversees communications and marketing, enhancing exposure for future commercialisation opportunities.
Recently Caroline participated in a panel at the World Future Energy Summit in the UAE and took part in COP28. Previously she served as the Commercial Attaché for Energy and Renewables at the British Embassy in Oman, where she supported British industry, helped businesses secure export contracts and identified investment opportunities. Since returning to the UK, Caroline has been providing trade and marketing advice to innovative businesses in CCUS and hydrogen infrastructure with global ambitions.

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